

Magazine HI TECH AMBIENTE (Ecomondo 2022) - Italian language.

Articolo Hi Tech Ambiente IWE

Zero Liquid Discharge project.

ZLD Zero Liquid Discharge project

Process Scheme for Digestate

IWE vacuum evaporators have proved to be an ideal solution for the treatment of the liquid fraction of the digestate.

Thanks to their technological peculiarities and the ability to integrate with other treatment processes, they can guarantee several important results:

  • Volume reduction up to 90% or more
  • High savings on disposal costs
  • Innovative heat exchangers
  • Simplified management and maintenance
  • Perfect Circular Economy solution

  • Click on an image to download the .pdf file

    Digestate treatment presentation

    WME 2022 presentation

    Video WME 2022

    Click on an image to download the .pdf file

    Digestate process scheme

    Digestate process scheme

    Digestate process scheme

    Product Catalogue 2023.

    Product Catalogue IWE

    Company Profile.

    Company Profile IWE

    Production of industrial detergents: Zero Liquid Discharge and waste reuse with surfactants.

    Presentation detergents treatment

    Safe wastewater management and full recovery of precious metals.

    Presentation precious metal treatment

    Concentration of flavourings and food/herbal extracts at 25°C

    Presentation flavourings treatment

    High Quality vinegar glaze from vacuum concentration at low temperature.

    Presentation vinegar treatment